Billy and Barco
Billy a 17 year old Morgan and Barco a 20 year old quarter horse (2013)
The day after their passing, this moving tribute was published.
Today is a poignant reminder to us about the truest meaning of being in service to another in this life. To truly serve…I mean HONESTLY serve, we let go of what makes us feel good and focus only on the relief of pain and grief for another-even if it means compounding ours.
This morning, eleven people did just that: They gave up their morning and afternoon, gave of their hearts and tears and fuel, to be fully present in the final meal, grooming, kissing hugging and when the time came, to holding them (quite literally) until spirit came to take them home. Then they stayed, prepared the boys place of rest, laid sacred stones and flowers and cedar boughs…they paved the way with their tears and love and drumming and singing and prayers.
They served as Christ and the Buddha served…without hesitation or question. With full reverence for those two precious horses, brothers in arms who existed on this earth inseparable and went home to heaven inseparable.
Thank to you all who made a difference today……blessings.
These two boys have lived their entire lives without any care and on way too much pasture. They both had the most advanced cushings disease that I have ever encountered (or my vet), have both been foundered repeatedly with rotation in their feet and Billy had heaves and terrible asthma. We spent several months trying to take some weight off of them and get them comfortable but through a lifetime of negligence, the cards were stacked too far against them. They were together their entire lives and two of the most inseparable friends I have ever encountered. With no good feet to stand on, medications that would cause additional founder for the cushings and Billys inability to breathe, with the vet, we made the very difficult decision to help them across together.